Grma to caydenwince1994.memory
Afar are our Angles who watch over us everyday. Treasured memories kept for our lifetime
Grandma-Louise To Angie Robert
Remembering you all with love today and always sweet Angels..Your memories and smiles will always live on forever..{Tammy}
Good-nite our precious ones.
How I love & miss you all so vry, vry much. Was an extremely difficult day for me again today. Pls. stay extra close. I luv u
Rose Grma To Brittany Syfert
A candle in ur memories,ur so loved,missed & never will be forgotten. Forever holding u all in my hearts.(Hugs Tammy)
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
....their Love and Energy open our Hearts with every Rainbow....Our Thoughts and Prayers are with You and Your Family xoxo
love, hugs and kisses to you
Too. I love & miss you all so very much. My heart is absolutely shattered & I'll never be the same. I love you ALL.♥♥♥♥
Dad, Dan, Jeff & Aunt Bernice~
I'm sure Mom is taking care of all of you, but we needed her here yet. Pls. give her hugs & kisses, as we send all our ...
Mom, the shock of losing you
Is starting to wear off and these tears just won't stop. Pls. stay EXTRA close 2 me & help me. I love you Mom, so much! ♥
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
My thoughts are with you Tammy,Louie & family on this day..Your Loving Angels will watch over you always..God Bless
Carol Angel Michael's Mom
I light this candle for all your loves one. Prayers are with you.
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
Thinking of You Tammy during this difficult time,know all your Angels are Shining down on You especially Your dear Mom xoxo Hugss
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
What discoveries will u make?What accomplishment awaits?what will spark ur laughter?Each day is a new adventure.
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Angels I have picture of each of you tucked in my heart always n carry them everywhere I go! ♥x♥o♥ ((Tammy))
Rain Arizolas Mommy
Lighting this candle in Memory of you all! You all and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!
Judy, Jamie~leigh's Mama
May the memories of your precious angels lift your spirits & warm your heart, today & always. (((Tammy)))
Grma to caydenwince1994.memory
Lighting this candle to keep it bright for all the Angel to see we below think of thee
Joan Taylor
Lighing this candle for you Aunt Bernice, I hope they are all together in Heaven with their arms around each other, my prayers.
Joan Taylor
Tammy I light this candle for your precious Jeff & Dan, GB them Both, I hope they watch over you day and night, prayers sent
Joan Taylor
Tammy I light this candle in memory of your precious Mum & Dad, GB them both always. Sending my love & prayers to you Joan
Cheryl ^Jeremy^ Radford
Tammy, my heart bleeds for you sweetie. Your loss just so hard to bear. Stay strong and know that you are loved. God Bless Chez xo
Ada ~ mom of Angel Jacob Cruz
Such a beautiful tribute for a loving family. Send hugs to Tammy and stay close.
Theresa Buxton
Aw Tammy my heart is breaking for you. So sad to hear about the passing of your Mom. I am here if you need to talk Huggs Honey XO
Margaret Buonpane
Thinking of you all precious Angels and sending my love!
Sis to Angel Jeff Burnette
Thanking you for remembering my precious brother on his Heavenly Birthday, forever in my heart!!
Jeralyn mom to Darrell Gillis
Tammy Im so sorry about ur mom my prayers are with u She was a beautiful woman inside & out Praying 4 strengh this is so hard.
Jeralyn mom to Darrell Gillis
Lighting ur candle in ur precious memories sweet angel u all are always in my heart & prayers. God Bless (Hugs)
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Angels wishing you a beautiful and peaceful Saturday filled w/all of God's love. ♥x♥o♥ ((Tammy))
so much like you. i promise
I will take care of her for you, and i had always told you that when you were still with us too. i love you
and told me that i was just
Like a son to you too. how i love and miss you so much. pls, pls stay close 2 us, especially your beautiful daughter. she is ...
louie - (son-in-law to judy &
Richard). 'mom' you were always more of a mom 2 me than my own mother was. when i told you that, you were so touched ....
Dennis 4 Angel Vicky Margiotis
God's peace, strength, & comfort to you and your family. Love to all - Denny
I'm glad to see that ya'll's site is back up-thought it was me!Wishing you all a warm/peaceful day in heaven~
Dad, Dan, Jeff & Aunt Bernice,
I love and miss you all. Pls. stay EXTRA close to all of us & help us get thru this terrible, heart wrenching pain. I love you
Mom, I love and miss you so
Much, more than you will ever know. The nite you died, a part of me also died with you. Never will I be the same! Pls. stay close♥
Jo-Ann~ Lauren Pacenta's mom
Tammy, I am so sorry to hear of ur mom's passing. You have been in my heart & prayers. Ur loved ones r together forever.
Con't Louise-Grandma 2 Angie
Mike your gram knows that you did everything you could for her and it was so good that you called 911..You are a real sweetie..
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Tammy I know how hard it is for you sweetie just give it a little time and I know your mom will give you some signs..God Bless You
ever accept Mom's passing. She
Was taken so suddenly & without absolutely no warning. I love and miss you more every day. Please help me !!! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
extra close to me and HELP me
Thru this. please, please send signs. i really need to see something so that i know everything will be ok, but i will never ......
Dad, Dan & Jeff, I'm sure you
Guys are all reunited with Mom now, but this pain in my shattered heart is more than I can handle. I NEED for you guys to stay ...
Mom, this heart wrenching pain
Is almost more than I can take. Please help me, stay close & guide me. I NEED a sign Mom. I love & miss you terribly !! ♥
Edwina~Troy's mum
Your missed because your loved more dearer than riches or gold No treasure on earth will replace you your memory will never grow old ♥
PatrickJay*Grand Mama
For all u were n all u will be,for everything u mean to me,though I don't undertstand,I know u are in the Father's hand.
Richard*Dan*Jeff*Bernice*JUDY*U are so missed because u were & are so loved.Be close to your family that they may feel ur love
but i don't feel like i did
Cuz you aren't here now. gram, please help me and stay close. i love you!
mike (grandson) - gram, i love
& miss you! everyone tells me that i did good when i called 911 last tues. nite & then helped you til they got there....
Con't Louise-Grandma 2 Angie
Give them a sign that u are close by and u will help them through all this..Death is so heart breaking 4ever thinking of u Tammy..
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Judy you are now with your love ones in heaven above I'm sure they were so happy to see you..But help your family down here
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