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Onesima~mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
Wishing for a new year fill with treasured memories, hope, peace, as we enter yet another year in this journey. 4ever missed ^Y^s
Good nite our precious angels'
I bet ur Christmas was absolutely gorgeous yesterday, with Jesus by ur sides. We missed you here! I love and miss you so much! ♥♥♥♥
Family of Lisa Maas
Merry Christmas from our family to yours...Jeff, Dan & Richard will always be in r ♥'s Never 4Gotten♥
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
To You and all whom You hold dear.A Joyous Christmas and Happy New Year xoxo
Karen mom to angel Kassie Hall
Merry Christmas Dan,Jeff & Richard,stay close 2 ur family.xoxo
Your sis/daughter&bro-in-law/
Son-in-law. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas in Heaven Dad, Dan, Jeff & Aunt Bernice. We love & miss you all. ♥
Sis to Angel Jeff Burnette
Merry Christmas in Heaven boys, watch over your precious sister and your family today, so hard without our Angels'. GBU
mom & steve. merry christmas
To you all. we're sure you are having the most beautiful christmas any of us could ever imagine. we love & miss u so much
Cheryl ^Jeremy^ Radford
Remembering you at christmas dan, jeff and richard and bernice. merry christmas tammy xo
Jordan's Grma/Kim's sister
Merry Christmas to you and your family. God Bless. ♥
Heidi mom to angel Evan Laws
Sending love and Christmas hugs to a special angel in Heaven and their precious family. (((Tammy)))
vince heuerman
Sending love and hugs on this Christmas eve!
Margaret Buonpane
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and sending my love!
Jeralyn mom to Darrell Gillis
Merry Christmas sweet angels & to your wondeful family. God Be With You
celebrate them with us. I'm
Sure Christmas is absolutely magnificent in Heaven, with Jesus' Birthday. I love and miss you more than you will ever know♥♥♥♥
Good morning our precious ones
Missing you all more than ever, with Christmas so close now. Our holidays will never be the same without you all here to .......
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
☆ Merry Christmas ~Dan,Jeff,Richard~ to u n ur loving family. ☆ May it b a gentle one wrapped in love n memories of u. ☆ ((Tammy))
...family a Merry Christmas and to let you know that I will be keeping you in my thoughts.
Edwina~Troy's mum
Dan, Jeff and Richard, Im going away for a few days and wont be able to come on line. I wanted to wish you and your precious....
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Merry Christmas to all you 3 special Angels and to ur precious family..Will be thinking of you all on Christmas Day..Hugs
Good nite our precious ones. I
Hope you & all ur angel friends' had an awesome day today. I love and miss you all so much. Please stay close always. ♥♥♥♥
Jeralyn mom to Darrell Gillis
Dan, Jeff, Richard & Bernice Thinking of u & ur family & keeping u all in my heart & prayers. God Bless (HUGS)
Good nite our precious angels'
We r in 4 yet another HUGE snow storm. Another 8-10 inches of snow starting in the morning and into Tuesday afternoon. Love u all!
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Wishing you a gentle Christmas filled with beautiful treasured memories of all your dear Angels!!
Lisha & Abriella have plans to
Go 2 other relatives on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day, so thought we would have them a wk. early. I love & miss you all !
Good nite our precious angels'
Louie & I r having Mom, Steve, Mike, Adam, Lisha & Abreilla here tomorrow 4 an early Christmas get-together as Adam,
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
May God's angels keep watch over you not only at Christmas but all the year through. Warm hugs and love Tammy & your ^Y^s
Good nite our precious angels'
It's still frigid weather here yet but I'm sure it's beautiful in Heaven all the time. I love & miss you all. ♥♥♥♥
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Thank you Tammy 4 the wonderful Christmas card. It made my day! God Bless! xoxoxoxooxoxox
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Good night Angels...sweet dreams! Watch over us all from up above! xoxoxooxoxoxox
Margaret Buonpane
Lighting this candle in your memory, sending my prayers.
Randi-Mark's Mom
Thinking of you and your family. May you have a beautiful evening in heaven, sweet dreams to you.
Onesima~mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
A candle is lit to remember our past with our loved ones and embracing the memories with gratitude. Hugs, blessings, hope ..
dangerous snow storm with
White out conditions, high winds and no travel advisory was issued last nite. It is now 13 below zero. I love & miss you all !
Good Sunday morning Dad, Dan,
Jeff & Aunt Bernice. We ended up with 30.7 inches of snow between Friday afternoon & this morning. It was a very .......
inches of snow by the time
It's all said and done on Sunday. Also supposed to get high winds and blizzard like conditions. I love & miss you all.♥♥♥♥
Dad, Dan, Jeff & Aunt Bernice~
They issued a severe snow storm warning for us starting at 6:00 this evening til sometime Sunday nite. Suppose to get 18-21 ....
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Good morning to all u sweet Angels on this beautiful sunny cold day..I'm sure heaven is always warm for all u precious Angels.
Margaret Buonpane
You are Loved with a love beyond all feeling, Missed with a grief beyond all tears.
from this morning thru Sunday
Night. Please watch over Steve today & tomorrow while he's out delivering his UPS pkgs. I love & miss you all so much!
Dad, Dan, Jeff & Aunt Bernice,
We are having really bad weather. It's been freezing rain, snow and high winds. We are under a severe snow storm watch .....
Edwina~Troy's mum
Flowers may wither, the sun may set.....but you dan, jeff and richard, we will never forget ♥
Dennis 4 MemOf Vicky Margiotis
Love starts with a smile, Grows with a Kiss, and Ends with a Tear. Hope your family has a great Christ centered Christmas.
Good morning our precious ones
I hope you all had a great nite. It is soooo cold here - we are below zero and we have 9 inches of snow. I love & miss you all
it's now 11:00 pm. so Louie
Will be having to snowblow sometime tomorrow when it quits. Such fun we all used 2 have w/snowmobiling. I love & miss you all!
Good nite our precious angels'
WOW, it looks like a winter wonderland outside tonite, the snow is really comin' down hard & has been since 5:00 and ....
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Angels great news for Tammy and Louie..They will be Grandparents again..Congratulation to you both and to the parents and family..
for a boy, but said as long as
He or she is healthy is all that matters. So wish you were all here 2 see when the baby is born. Love & miss you all so much !
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