553818 Create Memorial


Life story
September 19, 2006

* Dan was born on August 6th, 1970 and passed away suddenly at his home in Lake Hallie, Wisconsin on September 19th, 2006 at the age of 36. *


* Jeff was born on March 28th, 1965 and passed away suddenly at his home in Eau Claire, Wisconsin on November 4th, 2006 at the age of 41. *


* Our Dad, Richard Schulz, was born on October 8th, 1940 and passed away at home in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin at the age of 45, due to lung cancer. *

* Our Mom, Judy Schulz, was born on October 3rd, 1943 and passed away at Sacred Heart Hospital in Eau Claire, Wisconsin on January 4, 2011 at the age of 67, due to a massive heart attack. *

November 4, 2009

Dan was born on August 6, 1970. I remember his birth like it was yesterday. You see, I was just 3 days shy of being 7 years old when Dan was born. On my 7th birthday (August 9th), my Mom and Dad surprised me and brought Dan home from the hospital. He was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen, with lots of black hair and those blue eyes. I was like a little mother hen. I remember getting up with my Mom in the middle of the night and 'helping' her feed him. I would hold him, rock him and I loved just watching my baby brother just laying in his crib sleeping. Dan's proudest moment was when his daughter, Ashley was born on March 12, 1989. He loved her so very much. He was a wonderful Dad to 'Ash' and the last 2 years of his life, he raised Ash on his own. She loved him dearly.

The next proudest moment in Dan's life was when he and Jeff started their own business. They were best friends and usually wherever Dan was, Jeff would be with him and vice versa. They loved each other so very much. There was a time in 2002, when Dan literally saved Jeff's life. They were on a job and Jeff was up 40 feet in the air, while he was cutting a support beam, and the support beam gave away and Jeff was knocked off the boiler and fell 40 feet and Dan caught him in mid air !!! Jeff's leg swung and hit a railing and shattered his ankle. He was in surgery the very next day and took a year to heal completely, but it could have been so much worse. He was so very lucky that Dan was there and a miracle that Dan was able to catch him in mid air like he did, especially being 40 feet in the air and falling that distance. I will never forget the words spoken from Jeff to Dan ~ 'Bro., you saved my life. I love you.'

Dan was always happy-go-lucky, he never seemed to have a care in the world. He was the jokster of the family, always making us laugh and always had that shit-eatin'-grin on his face. LOL

Then came the evening of September 19th, 2006. A police officer went to our Mom's  house and told them that Dan had passed away. My Mom asked the officer what happened and he told her that he completed suicide. We could not and still cannot believe it. It is as much of a shock today as it was the evening that it happened, as we never knew that Dan was depressed. I had just spoken to him on the phone at 1:00 that afternoon and as per usual, he was laughing, joking around and was also talking about the HUGE High School graduation party that he was planning on having for his daughter, Ashley and of how very proud he was of her.   

We will love and miss him always and forever. He will always remain in our hearts.

~ I love and miss you my precious brother. Until we meet again, stay close to us always ~  XOXOXOXO






Jeff was born on March 28th, 1965. I don't remember much about Jeff's birth as him and I are only 17 months apart. But one thing that I do know is that I loved him very much. We were always a close family and raised by 2 very loving parents.

One of his proudest moments was when he and Dan started their own business and they worked side by side. They both worked very hard but had an awful hardship in his life. 

Jeff battled alcoholism from the time our Dad passed away in 1985 until he entered a treatment facility in 2004. It was at this time that he finally accepted God into his life and also accepted the help that he so desperately need. He was doing wonderful and he was just 3 weeks shy of being sober for 2 years in 2006 when Dan passed away. Jeff could not handle the fact that our brother and his best friend passed away and he once again started his heavy drinking.

We kept in close contact with him, this was our way of knowing that he was ok. On the morning of November 4th, 2006, our Mom nor I had heard from him. We kept calling him on the phone, but there was no answer. So my Mom and I asked my hubby (Louie) to please go check on him. He went to his house, let himself in and then hollered his name. There was no answer from him then Louie noticed Jeff's bedroom light was on. Louie then walked to his bedroom door and saw Jeff in his bed. He was deceased from a gun shot wound to his head and he had a framed picture of Dan on his chest. This is when we knew he could no longer handle life without our brother and his best friend. He just wanted to go and be with him. This was only 6-1/2 weeks after Dan passed away.

Their deaths have COMPLETELY shattered my family and I !!!!! 

Our hearts will be forever broken and will never mend until we are all reunited again. This time, it will be for eternity. Every day that passes is one day closer to them. I love and miss you always and forever, my precious bro. XOXOXOXO  








Our Dad ~ (Richard Schulz) was born on October 8th, 1940. He was the youngest of the boys and there were 9 children (including our Dad) in his family. He was a very loving Dad to us kids.

I will never forget the day that we got the devastating news that Dad had lung cancer and was given just 3 months to live. He was diagnosed on September 30th, 1985 and passed on New Year's Eve day of 1985 at the age of 45.

It was Dad's last wish to pass away at home, instead of having to be in a cold, uncaring hospital. We fulfilled that wish and he did pass away at home, with Mom, Jeff, Dan, my son Mike and I at his side, holding his hands and telling him how very much he was loved and we assured him that we would all be ok. It was then that he took his last, labored breathe.

My oldest son Mike was the only grandchild that he ever got to know and he loved Mike with all his heart. I remember Dad would lay on the floor with Mike when he was a baby and as he got a bit older, Dad would sit and play for hours with him. Sadly, he never got to know my youngest son Adam, his grandaughter (Dan's daughter) Ashley or Adam's 2 little girls (my grand babies ~ Abriella and Adalynn).

Dad will always live on in my heart. I love and miss him just as much as I love and miss my precious brothers.

We will all be together again some day and what a day that will be.

I LOVE and MISS you all with every beat of my heart. I will never be the same person as I once was, this has changed my family and I forever, but I have decided to dedicate my life in keeping their memory alive until God decides it's my time to be called Home. XOXOXOX




Our Mom (Judy Schulz) was born on October 3rd, 1943. She was one of 4 daughters of her parents.
Our Mom loved us 3 kids with all her heart and soul. She was an AWESOME Mom.

On January 4th, 2011, my Mom called me and asked if I would check something on our computer for her, as she didn't know anything about a computer. I told her I sure would and that I would call her back in about 10 minutes to let her know what I could find out for her. This was at 4:00 p.m. that evening.
I had searched the internet and had found what she was looking for. I actually had my hand on my cell phone to call her back to tell her that I had found whatever it was she wanted info. on (to this day, I do not recall what it even was that she wanted info. about).
Before I could pick up the phone to call her back, my cell rang, and I remember thinking that it was her and had just forgotten to tell or ask me something. I answered the phone and I heard crying (more like sobbing), with my oldest son Mike telling me  'Mom, Gramma thinks she's having a heart attack.' (He had gotten done with work early that day and had stopped to visit my Mom, as those 2 were very close).
I remember screaming into the phone, saying  'Nooooooo" and then told Mike that my hubby and I were on our way to their house. We threw our shoes and jackets on and raced into town. There we were met by a couple paramedics, police officers and firemen.
Because my Mom had a smaller house and all the equipment that the paramedics needed to take into the house, one of the police officers asked that my hubby and I not go in because there was just too much commotion and congestion in there at that time. Looking back, I now WISH I would have told the police officer that I didn't care and that I was going to go in anyway!
They bought Mom out on a stretcher and put her in the back of the ambulance and we followed them to St. Joseph's Hospital, where they were tranporting her.
Once there, they worked on Mom and actually had her stabalized enough to then transport her to another hospital in the next town over. We then followed the ambulance there.
On the way there, all of a sudden the paramedic that was driving the ambulance put his lights and siren on and sped to the hosptial, she had had another heart attack on the way there.
Once we reached Sacred Heart Hospital, they continued to work on her what seemed like forever.
After about 3 hours, the cardiologist came out and told us that she didn't have much of a chance as she had had a 3rd heart attack while they were working on her. He then came out about 1/2 an hour later and knelt down by us and told us,  'I''m SO sorry, but she didn't make it'  Her heart had actually exploded due to all the work and pressure that was being applied to her chest.
I remember pretty much falling on the floor and saying over and over again  'No, not Mom too. She was all I had left from my immediate family.'
Her and I were best friends and my heart is absolutely shattered. 
I will love and miss my beloved Mom forever, just as I will my angel Dad and both of my angel brothers'.

Nothing is or will ever be the same as it was before.
I guess I keep going on because I KNOW that I WILL be reunited with my 4 beloved and precious angels' when God decides it's my time to be called Home.