♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty ♥♥
We send this Special Message 2 the Heavens above please take care of Our Angels & give them all Our Love Wendy & Sarah
Gordon Arnette's mom & Dad
God Bless you on your special angel date. I pray for your family during this sad time. xo
jeannie mom to duane suess
As ur angel day is near sending much peace and comfort to all who love you..
Tina~Mom to Michael Grayson
Angel Dates are always so hard. Dan, please stay close to ur Family& give them the strength & love let them no U R close ♥
louie (brother-in-law)
What a bad day. can't help thinking about ur last day on earth with us Dan. stay close to ur Mom, Tam & all of us. love u
~ Continued ~
Dates that are in the next 2 and a 1/2 months. i love and miss you all, with all my heart. stay close, we need you by our sides !
Morning our 3 precious angels.
What a difficult day its already starting out 2 be. Thinking about Dan's angeldate tomorrow & all the other HORRIBLE ...
Sarah ~*~ Joshuas Mum
Special Angels upabove Look down on your family with all ur luv Watch over them day& night guide them with your precious light
Donna Mom to Angie-Robert
Dan, Jeff and Richard...2 brothers & a dad on earth and 2 brothers & a dad in Heaven. 2gether 4EVER! Bless you all xo Hugs
~ Continued ~
I love and miss you all, more than you will ever know !!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Hi guys ~ Please always stay
Close, we NEED you. Mom is scheduled 4 surgery on Oct. 12th. I know you will all be with her then, as you r all with us everyday.
*Patrick jay*Grand Mama Good night dear*Richard*Dan*Jeff*.God bless you always.
Angel James Burnette's Sis
As we walk this road with so many others, it is a bond that is lovingly shared, and our souls that are open and bared.
LaRaine~Mom~Cynthia Hernandez
Thinking of u precious Dan & ur family with love always. Lite a candle in ur memory to shine forever. Hugs Tammy love u!
♥♥Wendy Angel Kevin Conatty ♥♥
Silent thoughts, tears unseen, wishing your absence was only a dream, thinking of you always Hugs Wendy & Sarah♥♥
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
You will always be in my thoughts and prayers. May ur night be blessed with beautiful dreams! Sending my love up 2 U! xoxoxoxxoxo
Laura sis 2 angels Molly &Adam
Thinking of you now and always.
vince heuerman
Good afternoon angels! Wishing you a great day!
Morning guys, always in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs and love to all of you. Stay close to the family, they miss you so. xoxo
Dessa Smith Joseph's mom
You 3 are very special ^I^'s to me with loving thoughts and caring wishes sent to your family everyday
Dennis 4 Angel Vicky Margiotis
Grief is neither a sign of weakness nor a lack of faith. It's the price we pay for love.
Onesima~Mom To ^Y^ Dino Raponi
Your presence we miss, your memory we treasure, loving you always, forgetting you never. G/B hugs to you all..
vince heuerman
Precious angels, stay very close to your family. They need you too at this time. Hugs!
Judy, Jamie~leigh Britt's mama
The heart remembers most what it has loved the best. Fly free guys. Hope you had fun at Jamie's b/d party!
*Patrick Jay*Grd Mama
Angels from the realms of glory,wing your flight over all the earth.(*Richard*Dan*Jeff*)(Tammy)
Patti Rawls
Sending my love and prayers to you today and always. May God bless you with signs from your loved ones and you know just for you.
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Thoughts & Prayers!!
Morning guys ~ Just another
Sad and difficult day loving & missing our three angels. dad, dan & jeff, please stay close. we need you. i love you all !
Jo-Ann~ Lauren Pacenta's mom
Two angels, too kind and gentle for this world. Bless you Jeff and Dan. You are truly loved & missed sweet angels. ((Hugs))
Of an eye we will all be reunited with our loved ones who have gone on before.....may that day come soon....love to you all*******
That one day we will never have to endure the heartbreak that we have had here on earth...the clouds shall open and in the blink
Alexis Goudelock's Grandma
Sending much love and prayers for your strength during these sad days ahead...may the day come gently and pass the same..knowing
Laura sis 2 angels Molly &Adam
For some moments in life there are no words.
Hi guys, what a very sad day
As you guys had to welcome Home yet another angel. Actor Patrick Swayze passed away tonite. LOVE and HUGS to our precious angels.
Jeralyn mom to Darrell Gillis
Wherever you go, Whatever you do, May your angels always watch over you. God Bless! (hugs Tammy & mom)
Margaret Buonpane
Though absent you are very near, Still loved, still missed and very dear.
F/ever Family to Angel V.Borg
Lighting this candle in your memory Angels may it burn bright forever in honor of you .Much Love xoxo Hugs Tammy
Good morning Dad, Dan & Jeff.
Our hearts r heavy with much sadness. Please send more signs 2 help us get thru these dates, holidays & every day. I LOVE YOU.
Melissa Eiler
Sending my love and prayers to you today and always. God Bless you. HUGS! {{{Tammy}}}
Laura sis 2 angels Molly &Adam
Never doubt that there is always an angel by your side.
Yannick*Patrick Jay*Grand Mama
Lord"Bless all the dear children in your tender care"Happy Sunday*dear*Richard*Dan*Jeff*(Tammy)
Peggy, Jackie & Cassie's Mom
God bless you and your loved ones. May their love shine through and light up your soul.
Good morning angels, and Tammy. Wishing you a beautiful day. Sending bunches of hugs and much love to you all. In my heart. xoxo
Melissa Eiler
When we pray to God He hears, He listens, may He forever Bless you & your family. HUGS!
good morning Dad, Dan and Jeff
You 3 sent us a sign sometime last nite in the form of our peace lily plant. there r 3 buds on the plant. thank you 4 that. love u
Sarah ~*~ Joshuas Mum
If every tear we shed for you, became a star up above. You'd stroll in Heavens garden lit with everlasting love
Jo-Ann~ Lauren Pacenta's mom
There’s a bridge of memories from earth to Heaven above.It keeps r dear ones near us-it's the bridge that we call love.
louie (brother-in-law)
Just wanted to say good nite to our 3 angels'. you all will be forever in my heart, wherever i go and in whatever i do. love u
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